How to setup and check your email accounts

in Support Docs

Setup new email accounts in the hosting control panel

You can create a new email address by logging into the control panel and looking under the Email Accounts tab. For further instructions see our Support Doc Hosting Control Panel.

Email Settings

The webmail system is where you can change all important email settings. Examples are email forwarding, spam settings, auto responders, changing your password and many more. Log into webmail to configure your email account.

Logging into Webmail

1. Go to webmail.”your domain name” (e.g. Then sign in with your full email address and password (that you set up in the control panel).
2. Go to Then sign in with your full email address and password (that you set up in the control panel).

Setup your computer to check email

Below are the instructions on how to setup the most popular email programs. Click on the program you want to setup and follow the instructions.

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